I just "re-judged" my stitch count on my
Flower Basket Shawl & I think I will be OK after all with 14 repeats rather than just 12. I am almost finished with the 12th repeat and I still have a little bit left of my 2nd skein. I had thought I would not even get through repeat 11 with this skein. I had started my 2nd skein on row 78 of the lower basket chart, but when I looked at my stitch count, I looked at repeat 7, row 8, but I actually should have looked at repeat 8, row 8, based on how I am counting my rows. In other words, row 78 means I have finished the entire repeat #7 and am on the 8th row of the 8th repeat. So what does this all mean?
Instead of the first skein getting me through 9,300 stitches, it actually got me through 11,300 stitches. That means my second skein should get me through about the 2nd row of repeat 13 and then I should have plenty of yarn left to get through the 14th repeat. My 3 skeins should be able to knit a total of about 33,900 stitches and total stitches for my shawl are only about 31,100 stitches.
Based on a 14 repeat shawl, I am about 69% complete which should put me in great running for a medal. I will be able to complete this before the Olympic flame goes out. HOORAY!!!