So -- I ripppppped out all of my work and have now started over, knitting the M1's correctly this time. I've only finished the first two small triangles so I have a ways to go before I get back to where I was before I had ripped - at least 2 weeks worth of work. That's OK, though. I'm not up against any deadlines and I find knitting quite relaxing so having to do a "do over" suits me just fine.

The way I discovered my actual error was when I tried experimenting with my first toe-up sock. (By the way, the Turkish Cast-On is great for this). I was beginning the toe increases, using my M1 method and noticed the holes here, as well. I decided to take a closer look at what I was actually doing, and VOILA! the light bulb went off. I ripped out the toes (yes, toes as in more than one: I'm a 2 socks at once person) but have not restarted the toe-up socks. I'm not sure I like this method, although it may be that I am too used to the cuff-down method. Once I make some headway again on Kuba, I may try the toe-ups again.
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