Friday, December 09, 2005

FF&L: % Complete as of Friday, 12.09.05

WORKING ON 4TH REPEAT OF CHART 2 (8 rounds to go)

Thirteen rounds knit since my last update --> 122 total rounds completed.

• 49,408 stitches cumulative (11,016 !! stitches since my last update)
• 37% of body completed (9% since my last update)
• 31% of entire shawl completed, including edging (7% since my last update)

Here's the blob, looking at it from the underside.

It makes a convenient holder for my yarn & row counter!

••close up of the flower pattern••

••close up of the leaves pattern••

1 comment:

handknit168 said...

Glad to see that u have progress of the FF&L shawls.