Gosh - Jazz-Purr is certainly anxious. He's already using his
kitty bed & it was not even off the needles!!! I put it down for 2 seconds, and Mr. Jazz-Purr came strolling in, as determined as could be, and crawled right into the darn thing. At least I know he's appreciative of all my hard work!!!

I finally coaxed him out and binded off. Pre-felting dimensions are about 18" high and 20" wide. I'm hoping to get some time this evening to felt it. I'll post pictures post-felting once it's done.
Hahaha ... obviously he loves it!
What a cute thing that I never think about it!
Yes - Jazz-Purr is a DEVON REX, my curly haired little imp!
Awww, these are some of the cutest kitty pictures ever! I hope he enjoys the final product just as much.
I don't think I've commented here before; just wanted to say I like your blog. I can't wait to see your Frost Flowers shawl blocked out. Such a gorgeous design.
What a great idea for a cat bed! My cats are bigger than yours and their beds would need to be both taller and wider, but I know they'd love one just as much as Jazz-Purr. :-)
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